A Tale of Swords and Souls, Eternally Retold

Gwynneris Ahrkoen, the Berserk Soul


"The Elegance in Execution"

Enamoured with the life of an adventurer, Gwynn strives to provide beauty to an otherwise dull and utilitarian profession. Scythe in hand, she dances across battlefields with deadly grace and vicious poise to protect those the grand heroes forgot.

Lucy Struhlmayer, the Resolute Soul


"The Rogue Fateweaver"

Seeking to leave her past behind, Lucy approaches life with an open heart, welcoming joy and sorrow in equal measure. Dual knives and multiple tricks in tow, she walks the path of a wanderer, giving all her love and aid to those in need while she finds her place in the world.

Yuri Valerunner, the Adamant Soul


"The Revolver"

Seeking to live beyond the shadows of her past, Yuri's cold and collected exterior belies a protective and compassionate heart. Armed with sword and firearm, she excels at tracking down both man, beast and monster alike with quiet alacrity.

Songfeng Li, the Ministral Soul


"The Black Lion of Doma"

Veteran. Priest. Diplomat. Chef. Song carries a multitude of titles and strives to honour each and every epithet in the name of the nation that welcomed him as a lost cub. Wielding a katana, he carries the blessings of the Kami wherever he goes.

Chichiro Chiro, the Fostering Soul


"The Witching Arrow"

As Warden of the Shroud and a mother figure to many wanderers, Chichi protects the Twelveswood and its people from danger with hexed arrows and an unrivalled knowledge of horticulture.

Gwynneris Ahrkoen

Full Name: Gwynneris Gohtfrynwyn Ahrkoen
Other Names: Gwynn, Wynnie, Neris
Age: 35
Profession: Seamstress, Armorer, Bodyguard

The self-styled Sultana of Style, Gwynneris is the younger daughter to an artisanal family, her elder sister studying amongst the scholars of Sharlayan. Wanting a life of freedom and fame, she left on a trade ship and lived the adventurer's life, proud and free. Unfortunately, fate had a different thread woven for young Gwynn. Washed ashore on the reclusive country of Hingashi, the Sea Wolf caught the eye of a noble family who nursed her back to health, teaching her the finer points of chivalry.Living in the Far East, Gwynn found her passion for aesthetic, treating one's clothing as more than protection but as an aesthetic. Upon her return to Eorzea, Gwynn was a changed woman; fighting not for fame or freedom, but for the protection of those who cannot protect themselves, seeking beauty in all things, whether in creation or destruction.

Clothier to the Legends: While she accepts commissions from anyone, Gwynn revels in creating bespoke pieces for adventurers.
Ijin: Having spent time under the care of a Hingashi clan, Gwynn knows the finer points of Eastern culture, and speaks fluent Hingan. However, she holds no rank beyond that of a foreigner. A resident of Hingashi may recognise the pale, towering maiden from her brief stay.
Scythe Unseen: Gwynn wields an intricately built scythe named Elegance. She is often mistaken for a Lemure.
Berserk Soul: Beneath the refined silk lies the soul of a beast. Gwynn prides herself on being a bastion of elegance, yet possesses an unearthly, destructive temper mostly seen in battle, oft mistaken for combat revelry.

Yuri Valerunner

Full Name: Eurellaine Rendarien Anastasia de Argelune
Other Names: Ruby
Age: 27
Profession: Marksman

Born to one of the vassal houses in Ishgard, Yuri was raised in relative wealth and was groomed to serve Ishgard at a young age, until her House lost the Steel Vigil. Broken and disillusioned, Yuri abandoned her home, shed her name and began a career in the underworld.A chance meeting with Gwynneris was the sign the Ishgardian was looking for, and she left her previous employment to become a defender of the defenceless alongside the Warrior-Aesthete.With renewed purpose, she sheds her previous life with each soul she saves alongside her newfound comrades, for which she wouldn't hesitate to lay down everything for.

By Crimson Round: A Red Magic practitioner, she uses a modified gunblade to wield her magic, combining the Balance with aether-charged cartridges for both short and long-range engagements.
Urban Sprawler: She possesses an uncanny ability to navigate across cities. She dances through busy market crowds and is often a known contact amongst those looking for information.
Halonic Doctrine: Despite her fading belief in Ishgard, she remains an active member of its communities. She is often seen in many meetings within the newly established Parliament, using her House's name for the betterment of all beneath the Fury's gaze.
Adamant Soul: Yuri is relentless in her pursuits, especially when it involves someone who has wronged her. She will sink to the depths to get her quarry.

Lucy Struhlmayer

Full Name: Lucijia Struhlmayer
Other Names: Greencloak
Age: 25
Profession: Courier

"Just Lucy", the rogue often replies to any questions of name or title. In truth, she was born to a wealthy syndicate in Ul'dah, groomed to be both its Trade Prince and veiled knife as an Assassin. Unwilling to live a life in a gilded cage, she used the very skills given to her to escape and erase her old identity.With the aid of her newfound friends, the rogue who would take on the name Lucijia vanished into the Twelveswood; living off the land, helping any lost souls through the Black Shroud alongside Chichi.Despite the looming threat of the Syndicate finding and stealing her back, Lucy strives to make the world better than how she found it. Despite the tragedies of her life that would break a lesser man, she remains resolute. No one should face life's sorrows alone.

Assassin: Despite her gentle appearance, Lucy is trained as an assassin, skilled in the theatre of deception and the art of killing.
Marked: Any mercenary of the underworld, particularly from Ul'dah may bear a passing recognition to the woman. Perhaps she is even their intended mark.
Vagrant: Lucijia has knowledge of a wide range of locales, many unknown to even residents. Her trusty, worn-out cloak bears evidence of her journeys.
Resolute Soul: Sorrow is an old friend of hers, and she strives to lift up any and all spirits around her.

Songfeng Li

Other Names: Heishi-Shenseng
Age: 41
Profession: Trade Diplomat

Left at the shores of the Ruby Price as a cub, the hrothgar who would eventually make his name as the Black Lion of Doma was adopted by a kindly couple; the priest Shilong and the culinarian Yeohchun. When the Empire set its sights on the kingdom, the Li family set about freeing their nation, no matter the cost.Raised as an agent of the Doman Resistance Front, Songfeng acted as saboteur and messenger, feeding Imperial movements to the Resistance. Over time, his actions earned him an apprenticeship under a samurai, and upon Doma's liberation, an esteemed rank amongst its heroes.Gifted with a rural charm and schooled in proper etiquette, Songfeng adapted to the life of peacetime as a trade diplomat, travelling the world over to speak on behalf of the Dragon Throne.

Shugenja: Trained by his father in the ascetic ways of Shugendo, Songfeng borrows from the kami's power to heal, defend, or destroy. The presence of the Kami and the Four Lords resonates within him.
House of the Judicious: An esteemed member of Doma's Mercantile Office, Song has extensive knowledge of international trade. He seeks merchants & businesses to ply their goods to and from the kingdom.
Ministral Soul: Never one to leave a soul in need, Songfeng willingly provides pastoral care to every person he sees, no matter their race or creed.

Chichiro Chiro

Other Names: Chichi Shadewarden
Age: 33
Profession: Huntress, Herbalist

Born into a family of wardens of the Shroud, Chichiro grew up fervently revering the Elementals and swore to uphold their will as the wardens before her. However, a fated encounter within the Palace of the Dead gave pause to this devotion as Chichi was saved by the duskwight elezen that remained within old Gelmorra - those she was taught to abhor and defend Gridania from.As the Garlean Empire crawled its way across the land and the elementals fading in power, she was one of the first to be made Captain of the newly instated Order of the Twin Adder. With bow in hand, Chichiro vowed to double her efforts to protect and nurture the Twelveswood, including her duskwight and sylph neighbours.

Shadewarden: Beyond just a simple huntress, Chichi has intimate knowledge of the Black Shroud and its myriad paths and dangers and is willing to use every ilm of it to her advantage. Gridanians and adventurers that frequent the Shroud know of her, whether as a vengeful Hag or a guardian Wisp.
Horticulturist: Whether for medicine, food or even acute poisons, Chichi's knowledge of plant life is almost unmatched. She willingly shares her expertise with anyone - the joy of sharing is its own reward.
Fostering Soul: Chichi's matronly nature drives her to protect her home and its people with both a full quiver and a filled cooking pot.